Monday, September 26, 2011

Blogger App.

Just installed the Blogger app on my iPhone. Seems pretty dandy. It'll be awfully hard to write lengthy blogs with the touch of my thumb, I guess the iPad would be better that way.

I feel that the iPhone Blogger app is for more sophisticated Tweeting. It'll be interesting discovering what this app is about.

Speaking of apps, just started playing Hanging With Friends with my brother. It's sort of a scrabble meets hangman. I'm not really into games that are apps, but this one is pretty neat. Possibly because it has the cool jungle music in the background.

Bring it on as I pop your balloons.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Hello Blog World.

Hello Blog World. It's been a while.

Letting you know that I am writing again. More musical theatre solo types of pieces. Also, I might go back to school and take some theatre courses.

If anyone is interesting in collaborating with me on material to write, let me know. I'll also be looking for singers to help compile different pieces together. Not too many musical theatre composers in the Denver area, so it should be exciting once this gets going.