Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Footsteps Echo.

Through the darkness we travel over a thousand miles
Our legs are getting weak with every step into this cave
One more step makes the pain feel like a phantom leg
It is just there making each step with no thought of why
You try to stop, but you carry on through
No Going back
We can't go back
We will walk on

-Found this yesterday while searching through some piano repertoire. I think I must have written this back in January. I don't remember writing it though. I also wrote some chord progressions for it back then. We will see what it sounds like. Interesting.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


This is what I do when I can't sleep.

A duet from the musical. It's finally coming together slowly. Now that I have started, it is going to be hard to sleep.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008



Messing around with iMovie and the guitar.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Random Theatre

Just had the read-through for a new musical/show I am in, Beauty and the Lonely Beast. It's a six person cast and is geared mostly for children, though the happy theme of the show is for everyone. I will be playing Beast who is pretty similar to the movie, but tends to be more depressed in this show.

We had our opening night for 'The Cradle Will Rock' last night and it went really really well. In my scene, I run off the stage to try to save some people from an explosion, but I end up dying in the disaster along with the couple that is madly in love with each other. We had a dress rehearsal with quite a few senior citizens and when I died, they laughed. Kinda funny I thought, but last night, the eerie sound of the explosion seemed to linger in the auditorium. One show down, five more to go.

I sent my information to a conservatory for acting in NYC. They have a two-year program and also a four week summer program that can also be earned for college credits. They called me a few weeks ago expressing a lot of excitement in my interest in the school. They also said that the music knowledge that I have is a great quality to have. There will be auditions for scholarships geared for both the two-year and four week programs. The school is if you wanted to check it out. I'll let you know what happens.

Also, I have posted more information/songs/lyrics/details/ideas in the musical blogspot. Check it out if you haven't or let me know if you want access.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Yearn for Silence.

Sometimes when I sit in class I hear everything. I will do what I can to explain it the best. This reality of sounds happening around me puts me in a superficial state of mind. I hear everything. The teacher is speaking in rhythm, pencils scratch paper, shuffle of feet, squeaks of chairs, sniffling of the nose, typing on computers, erasing a thought, folding paper, chewing of gum, sip of coffee, knuckles cracking, backpacks zipping and even scratching of the head. This is just in class.

But when I go outside it has much more bigger and unexpected sounds. An ambulance goes rushing by and I feel like I can hear the worry of someone else's heart. I hear the wind in the trees as I feel the depth of their roots in the soil. I hear people yell across the campus and picture their story in my mind.

Sometimes on a rare occasion when I walk home really late at night, I don't hear anything. It feels that without sound my life might be lost, but the silence brings peace and dreams to a reality as I look up at the stars. It is in this moment where I can fly away and be the person I am meant to be.